You’ll want your auto mechanic uniforms to be clean to keep the worker comfortable and safe.
Even the best auto mechanics can and will get car grease all over their uniforms. While a greasy outfit on your auto mechanic is not out of place, it can affect your customer’s perception of a professional business. Additionally, you will want your auto mechanic uniforms clean to keep the worker comfortable and safe. Clean uniforms are a great sign of a more component service and a dependable work environment. So, how will you tackle the tough and messy grease stains that will eventually end up on a mechanic uniform? Read on for a few ideas for cleaning your uniform to help maintain the business’s appearance.
Send for a Uniform Cleaning Service
Your uniform provider will offer their cleaning service. Sending clothes out to be laundered will save you time to focus on conducting your business instead of doing loads of laundry. Depending on whether you rent, lease, or purchase the uniforms, the uniform provider can find a program to include a uniform cleaning service in your business. Send the dirty uniforms in, and you can be guaranteed professionally clean clothes each time.
Treat It with Dish Soap
Dishwashing soap will cut through oily plates and greasy pans, so it is a nice way to cut through the stains of your uniform as well. Use a dab to treat any stains or more to soak up the whole garment. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes before you toss it into the wash. This will make a huge difference. Hot water is the best option for cleaning grease stains, but check the uniform label for washing instructions before anything else.
Absorb it With Baking Soda
Baking soda, cornstarch, or baby powder will work as well. Create a small pile of these everyday household products on the stain and let it sit an hour. Brush off this powder and remove the excess with a damp rag gently. This method should absorb the stain. If more treatment is required, then apply the above-mentioned dish soap method.
Soak it in Soda Water
Soda water has a strong reputation for cleaning those stubborn stains. In this case, soak up the grease stain overnight in soda water and wash it with your usual laundry detergent.
Buy New Uniforms
For extreme circumstances, there isn’t any saving the dirty uniforms. Maybe your business is overdue for new uniforms. Replacing or exchanging the garment is made much easier with a uniform provider who understands and can cater to your business needs. Give Hanover Uniform a call if you’d like to learn more!
For Quality Uniforms and Work Supplies, Give Hanover Uniform a Call Today
Hanover Uniform is a dependable and privately held uniform supplier dedicated to serving your business with whichever uniform or work supply needs that you have. Our professional team is ready to serve customers all across Baltimore, Maryland! Large or Small, we’re invested in making you look good! We are here to help with every step.
For more information on how we can help your business, visit our website or give us a call at 800-541-9709 or 410-235-8338! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Linkedin!