You may be wondering if there are any easier and quicker ways to clean all of your work uniforms.
Buying employee uniforms is one way you could cut costs but still have some high-quality work uniforms. Hanover Uniform provides uniforms for many different uniforms, and we make the uniform buying process easy for all industries. On the average day at work, messes happen. You may be wondering if there are any easier and quicker ways to clean all of your work uniforms. Read on for a few neat ways to clean off work uniforms on the job or at home!
Restaurant and Foodservice Uniforms
Restaurant work can get dirty in a flash. First, if you’ve got chunks stuck on your uniforms, gently scrape off as much as you can. Make sure you’re not harming the fabric. After that, the best way to start treatment is to soak up the fabric in the water and then apply some type of detergent. If it’s something like wine or coffee, then apply a bit of salt onto the stain. Soak your uniform stain warm water and salt for 20 minutes before rinsing. White vinegar is a solid pre-treatment for coffee stains. After treating it, rinse the stain out with hot water. If you’ve got oil like cooking oil and butter on your uniform, you could then remove it by coating the stain with some absorbent like cornstarch or baking powder. Wash out the garment after 30 minutes of the absorbent treatment.
Medical Personnel and Cleaners
Medical personnel and janitors can see a lot more grime on an average day than most workers. Blood stains strictly need cold water treatment with some laundry detergent and hydrogen peroxide. Soaking in the stain and running it out in the cold water after around ten or so minutes will do the trick. There is something else you can try: if you’ve got ink stains, consider using rubbing alcohol on cotton uniforms and hairspray on polyester before you throw it in the washing machine.
Car Mechanics
Mechanics may see plenty of grease or oil getting on their work uniforms. They can keep some clean work uniform by soaking up the great with baking powder, cornstarch, or baby powder. Wash out the items with warm water by itself or with some greasy clothes, otherwise, the oil and grease can ruin the other load of clothes.
Landscaper Uniforms
Landscapers are a lot more likely to dirty, and thankfully, mud is one of the easiest things to wash out. If there are a few mild grass stains, then soaking the uniform in a mixture of white vinegar, water, and detergent for a couple of minutes could help.
For Quality Uniforms and Work Supplies, Give Hanover Uniform a Call Today
Hanover Uniform is a dependable and privately held uniform supplier dedicated to serving your business with whichever uniform or work supply needs that you have. Our professional team is ready to serve customers all across Baltimore, Maryland! Large or Small, we’re invested in making you look good! We are here to help with every step.
For more information on how we can help your business, visit our website or give us a call at 800-541-9709 or 410-235-8338! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Linkedin!